Agent IC: Linking to LQ (CCM) Configuration


LQ Setup via CCM

IP Network Configuration:

  1. Navigate: Device > Network > LAN / WAN Connectivity:

    1.  Set Mode to Static

      1. See Network Setting (IP) - (page 69) LQ 4.2 User Guide

    2.    Enter Internal IP Address: <Dedicated IP address for the LQ within your VLAN> e.g

    3.    Enter Sub Mask:

    4.    Enter Gateway : <IP gateway of your VLAN> e.g

    5.    Primary DNS: (Optional)

    6.    Secondary DNS: (Optional)

  2. Navigate: Device > Network >External Connectivity: See Getting an external IP address - (page 72) LQ 4.2 User Guide

    1.     Enter External IP Address: <IP address assigned by your Internet Service Provider>

    2.     Domain name: (Optional)

    3.     Enter External Port: <Refer to your router/firewall “Port Forwarding” setup>

      1. Minimal Clear-Com Port Requirements

Virtual Clients Users Setup

  1. Navigate: Accounts > Clients   

    1. Create a Virtual Client

    2. Enter Label - <of your choice> (e.g Director,Sound etc)

    3. Enter User ID - <of your choice> (e.g aic1)

    4. Enter Password - <of your choice> (e.g aic1234)

    5. Enter Default Role - <of your choice> 

    6. Select LQ Assignment

    7. Confirm Status

Agent IC Setup

  1. Select LQ Profile 1 or LQ Profile 2












  1. Select Settings













  1. Enter the following