Why is my NTP time not synced?


NTP time does not seem to be syncing to the server correctly


Please check that the PC time is within an hour of the NTP time. If time difference is a long way out the time will not sync, set the PC time to within an hour of the Server time before the sync.

The NTP Server uses port UTP 123. Please confirm this port is not being blocked?

Depending on the operating system, when the PC is synced to the NTP server it will either jump the PC time to the NTP Server time or slew the time over a number of minutes to the NTP time. For example, if the time difference is say 10 minutes out, it will jump the time to NTP time. If it is say 30 seconds out, it will slowly slew the time to NTP time. Another point to note is that after the sync has occurred the PC will now free run and drift from the NTP Server time until the next sync occurs.

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