CCM Default User Name and Password Changes

Access to Core Configuration Manager (CCM) controlled devices is being updated to comply with consumer data privacy laws coming into effect in 2020.

Clear-Com's CCM controlled devices running firmware releases from January 2020 and onwards will only be accessed with a password that is unique to the device upon first connection. The unique password can be retrieved using the front panel menu of the device. Following an initial access to the device, users can change the device's password to a password that is easier to remember. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the CCM?
A: The Core Configuration Manager (CCM) is a browser-based utility used to administer a variety of Clear-Com products. The use of a web browser eliminates the need to install any software and enables configuration, monitoring and control of the Clear-Com product(s) on any device that supports any of the major browser applications (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge, etc.).

Q: What is a unique password and what has changed?
A: When logging into the CCM of a new unit, the device will refuse connection until a password is entered, which is unique to the device. Previously, Clear-Com uses a generic username and password.

Q: Why are you implementing a unique password per device?
A: Reason #1: to comply with new data privacy regulations that went into effect January 2020 as well as future global adoptions which forbid the use of a generic default password on devices with a network port. Reason #2: to increase safety of our devices and decrease the risk of security vulnerabilities from bots and viruses on customer networks. While the unique password may be a nuisance, it is a good practice.

Q: What products and firmware versions are affected?
A: HelixNet (v4.1 and higher), FreeSpeak II (v1.5.2 and higher), and LQ Series (v4.1 and higher).

Additionally, the V-Series Iris panels, FSII IPT transceiver, and the E-IPA interface card because they all have a limited functionality administrative web page similar to the CCM. For these devices, the unique password can be changed for all connected devices from the Properties page of EHX v12 or higher.

see How do I get logs from Iris panels via the ccm for details of how to enter the CCM password for Iris panel , IP-Transceivers and E-IPA cards

Q: Will I need to use the unique password if I purchase a new unit?
A: Yes. We suggest you change it following your first login into the CCM.

Q: Where can I find/reset the unique password of the device?
A: LQ Series (v4.1 and higher): From the front panel of the unit, select Administration > Reset CCM Pass > Reset CCM Pass to reset the password. The new password can be viewed within Networking > CCM password until modified.
HelixNet (v4.1 and higher): From the front panel of the unit, select Administration > Default Password. Use the displayed password to log into the CCM configuration utility. Once the default password is modified, this menu item will be disabled.

FreeSpeak II (v1.5.2 and higher): From the front panel of the unit, select Administration > CCM access > ccm password. Use the displayed password to log into the CCM configuration utility.

example password = 08Z53312


Q: I have an existing unit. Will I need to use the unique password if I upgrade the unit to HelixNet v4.1, LQ Series v4.1, or FSII v1.5.2 or higher?
A: No. The saved password will not be reset UNLESS you reset your password specifically from the front panel of the unit.

Q: I manage rental inventory and am in a habit of resetting my equipment before each show. Will I need to use the unique password every time I reset my device’s configuration before building a new show on it?
A 1: For LQ (version 4.1 and higher) and FSII-BASE-II (version 1.5.2 and higher) the answer is No.
The saved password will not be reset UNLESS you reset your password specifically from the front panel of the unit.
A 2: For HelixNet HMS-4X (version 4.1) the answer is Yes and No.
Resetting the HMS-4X full configuration from the unit’s front panel will reset the unique password.
Resetting the HMS-4X Roles and Channels from the CCM will not reset the unique password.
The unique password can also be specifically reset from the front panel as with LQ and FSII-BASE-II.

Q: My device is not allowing me to log into the CCM. What should I do?
A: On the front panel of the device there is a new option under Administration which allows the CCM password to be reset. Once it has been reset, you can then go into the Administration > CCM Access to see the default/unique password of the device. Use this along with the default admin username to log into the CCM and then change the password to something easy to remember.



If you have any additional questions or issues, please contact Clear-Com Technical Support