Matrix: Can I allow another user to log into a role that is already in use
Is it possible to knock of a user out of a role-session
Yes using EHX V13.1 or later , you have the ability to allow both panels and wireless beltpacks (FSII BP or Edge) to use the role-session feature . The role-session feature has been extended to allow matrix intercom panel users to now uses roles like FreeSpeak / Edge beltpack users
when setting up a ROLE - you can select
a) if the role is in use, it is NOT displayed in the roles list when another user logs in and the system displays what roles are available for use
b) the active role IS displayed , when another logs in when another user logs in and the system displays what roles are available for use
Adjust this setting in the EHX Roles page if you want option a or b
additionally an EHX admin user can knock a user off a role (free up a role session) see Matrix: Can I free up a active FSII BP role in the matrix , this applies to both panel roles and wireless beltpack roles
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