Generating Off-Hook tally with In-Use Tally with a 3rd Party Phone Coupler

Use this logic with a 3rd party telephone coupler with relay closure to generate off-hook tally and in-use tally for IFB’s.

The coupler must produce a relay closure that stays closed as long as it's off-hook. That closure comes in thru a Matrix GPI, to which is attached the control “GPI EYE1”. That causes a 1 Hz flashing red indication on all panels with the IFB label “EYE1”

Create another control, “DisableOH”. which is added as secondary action to the IFB, and check “In-Use Tally” on the IFB. When a panel talks on that IFB, the logic flashing tally, which overrides the normal tally, will be disabled, and the normal in-use tally (double flash) will be visible. Once the user stops talking, the 1 Hz off-hook tally will resume. Once the coupler goes back on-hook, all tallies will stop.


This can be repeated for as many IFB’s as necessary. Using a different set of controls per IFB





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