Matrix Plus II Station Has Blinking Red LEDs

The blinking lights on a panel are an indication that thecommunications between the frame and the panel cannot be established. If thisis a panel that was working and then stopped then you can skip down to SerialData Issues. If you are trying to add a new station, then keep reading.  The reasons for this are fairly numerous and the best way toeliminate issues is by substitution and comparison.  Panel Type ProblemsClearcom made 2 types of panels, 2 wire digital and analog.The analog panel is more common, about 10 to 1. The type of panel must matchthe type of port in the frame.  In the frame check if you are connectingto an MTX-100 card (analog) or a MTX-200 (digital). The only way to determinethe type of panel you have is to remove the top cover and check the EPROM labelwhich should show the station type followed by D if digital and just the station type if analog. The type oftransformers on the Comm PCB will also indicate which type of panel you have.The Comm PCB is a daughter board that the 15 pin connector is connected to.Square white plastic transformers mean you have a digital panel and standardlooking frame transformers with yellow wrapping means analog.  Firmware Revision IssuesIf the firmware version of the panel does not match thefirmware version of the frame port cards then it will not connect. The 3 MX+2versions were 10.X, 11.X, and 12.X. The ICS-102 is still used today and itcould have MX+2, 3, or Eclipse firmware installed. Port ProgrammingMTX-100 analog port programming has 2 major categories.Station and Interface.  Ports that are designated as stations will notspeak to interfaces (ie: CCI-22, FOR-22,TEL-12) and ports designated asinterfaces will not speak to stations. Use the software to set the port toempty and it will re-identify what is connected. You may also just set the portto what you know is connected.  Serial Data IssuesMX+2 Analog Comms PCBs had RS-422 chips that failed and thiswas by far the most common failure with crystal oscillators coming in a distantsecond.  The UART on the comms module was also a possible cause but farless often. MTX-100 RS-422 chips rarely failed.  Use a known good commsmodule to quickly determine if the comms module in your station has failed.Connect a known working station to a port to determine if there is a portissue.  If you have a digital panel that has stopped talking, themost common issues were the A to D chips on the port cards and the D to A chipson the station Comms modules with failed crystal oscillators coming in second. You will not find replacement  A-D or D to A chips as they wereobsolete many years ago.


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