Partyline: RS-603 not passing audio past 1st belt pack, or through the loop through connector.

Check Program-Audio / Input Select Switch (Located on the bottom of the RS-603 Belt Pack.)
If you have noticed that you cannot pass "intercom audio" and power past a RS-603 belt pack, check the PGM / Intercom switch on the bottom of the belt pack.Make sure it is set to "Intercom"
To transform the “loop-through” connector to a program-audio input connector, move the slide switch located toward the headset connector, in the direction labeled on the beltpack as “PGM.”
To restore the connector to its “loop-through” function, slide the switch back towards the “loop-through” connector, in the direction labeled on the beltpack as “intercom.”
Note: Placing the switch in the “program” (PGM) position while the jack is still connected to the intercom channel causes the beltpack to lose power and the channel to short out.
When you do so, the loop-through connector becomes a program audio input connector, disabling the loop-through function of the connector.
The program input is transformer isolated and accepts line level signals in the –20 to +10 dBV range.
To adjust the program audio volume, rotate the knob located on the bottom panel of the beltpack.
Remember-to restore the connector to its “loop-through” function, slide the switch back towards the “loop-through” connector, in the direction labeled on the beltpack as “intercom.”
Note: In some instances, connecting a source of program audio may cause a hum in the system. To remedy this, remove the internal jumper from pins 1 and 2 of P2 and connect the jumper to pin 2 only. This removes the ground and leaves only a balanced, transformer-isolated connection. To gain access to the jumper, remove the beltpack’s back cover by removing the four screws.


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