Partyline: Looking for a Clear-Com to RTS partyline interface

Looking for a Clear-Com to RTS partyline interface
Use the TW-12C Clear-Com to RTS partyline interface unit
TW-12C (current) Connects a single channel of intercom from one system to another. Opto isolation eliminates hums and buzzes. Compensates for level and impedance differences between systems. Allows Clear-Com-to-Clear-Com, Clear-Com-to-RTS, and RTS-to-RTS system configurations. Powered by the connected intercom system. Translates "call" signals in both directions
Obsolete unit
Designed as a "Clear-Com to RTS interface"
Passes only one channel of intercom
Can be used as:
Clear-Com to RTS interface
Clear-Com to Clear-Com interface
RTS to RTS interface
These systems need to be "stand alone systems" meaning that each system is powered on it own and does not "share power supplies"
Please contact our Sales Department if there are any questions or if you model is not listed above


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