Why don’t my panel mixer settings work on my IP-connected (IVC or AES67) panel?

V-Panel mixer settings for IP vs. MVX-connected panel

Q. Why don’t my panel mixer settings work on my IP-connected (IVC or AES67) panel?

A. When using the V-Panel mixer, found in the PANELS page of EHX by selecting the MIXER button on the top banner of the page (Red arrow, below), one has to select which connection type that panel is being connected with.

By default, the mixer is set for an analog connection (MVX port).  So, if you have an AES67 or IVC-connected panel (network-connected) you have to change the selection from the top drop-down menu to suit the type of connection you are using. (Green arrow, below)



It will then reflect the proper controls for the panel’s audio needs:


Please note that the signal flow is always displayed as follows:
The source audio comes from the left-hand (vertical) side of the page and the destination audio goes to the top(horizontal) destinations.



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