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Agent-IC & Station-IC Solutions (Virtual Clients)
AoIP (Audio over IP) - Requirements, Recommendations and Solutions
Arcadia® Central Station Solutions
Broaman & ProGrid Solutions
Encore Partyline Solutions
Headset Solutions
HelixNet Solutions
How-to articles
LQ Solutions
Matrix: Eclipse EHX and ECS Solutions
Misc. Solutions
All CCU Solutions
Kenwood Pin-Outs
Two-Way Radio Connections and Pin-Outs
Miscellaneous Pin-Outs
Base Station 4-Wire RJ45 Pin-Out to XLR or Balanced Audio
Other: What is the difference between an Ethernet crossover and Audio crossover cable?
CC-250/6 Stereo Wiring
6-Pin to 3-Pin XLR Intercom Cable
RTS Adam DB9 to RJ45 Pin-Out
AES/EBU DB25 Pin-Out (Tascam and Yamaha)
4-Wire Eclipse Crossover Cable
BA-1 Termination Load
BTR Base Station Pin-Out
CC-25 Headset Wiring to 2.5mm
CC-300 / CC- 400 Headsets
CCI-22 to RTS 2-Wire
CCI-22 (2/4 wire convertor) Pin-Out
CellCom 4-Wire Pin Out
Tempest Sync DB9 to RJ45 Adapter
MS-704 DB15 Pin-Out
HMS DB25 Pin-Out
DIN Microphone Jack Pin-Out
Eclipse Matrix 4-Wire RJ45
Eclipse EHX CPU Backplane
EF701M Pin-Out
HelixNet Powerline XLR Pin-Out
HelixNet DB25 Relay Pin-Out
HelixNet Remote Station Pin-Outs
HelixNet Shielded CAT Cable to 3-Pin XLR
DX Mini DIN Pin-Out
Artist AIO-108
iStation 422 Adapter Cable
iStation Aux 101 Wiring
KB-702 Phoenix Connector Pin-Out
Matrix Plus2 DB15 Pin-Out
Optocore Phoenix Connector
Optocore PG32-AES DB9
PIC-4744 and MA-704 Wiring
Pico GPO Pin-Out
Eclipse Matrix 4-Wire RJ45 Pin-Out to XLR or Balanced Audio
RTS Adam 6-Pin Pin-Out
RTS Adam RJ-11 Pin-Out
TR-50 Jack Assembly