GEN-IC : Connecting Matrix to LQ to GEN-IC questions

I have some questions about connecting Matrix to LQ to GEN-IC


Q1 : What model of LQ is compatible with the Gen-IC? I’ve seen there are different analog connectivity options but since we only need it for the IP features, I assume they are all OK? However, is there a special license needed to add the Gen-IC compatibility?

A1: Any LQ can be used to link to GEN-IC, as long as you have a GEN-IC Premium license. If the LQ has 2 wire or 4 wire these can be used to add other analogue end points to the GEN-IC system as well as the IP directs.

The LQ unit must be running firmware version v5.0.45 or later in order to connect to a GEN-IC


Q2: I know we can configure the IVC card with direct or trunk ports to a LQ. I understood there are 8 IP ports in the LQ, correct? I guess this is the limitation of the number of channels we can share between the matrix & Gen-IC?

A2: Yes there are eight IP direct channels on an LQ, these are connected to the IVC card that needs sufficient spare ports available. You can add up to five LQ’s so you could do 5 x 8 = 40  IP directs if you had the IVC capacity.

When connecting GEN-IC to LQs , the complete link group is max of 6

1x GEN-IC (Link Master)

upto 5x LQ units (Link Member)


Q3: Does the Gen-IC link use some ports as well in the LQ? I mean, 4 to the matrix + 4 to Gen-IC?

A3: No, the IP directs are sorted out in the LQ so one link from GEN-IC to matrix uses one IP direct out of 8.


Q4: Does the LQ require a programming software or it’s web browser based?

A4: LQ is Web browser programmed using the Core Configuration Manager (CCM), GEN-IC is programmed the same way. The only thing to keep in mind is there is a CCM per product so GEN-IC has one and each LQ has one. So to set up a link you do half of it in one CCM and the other half in the second CCM. Bothe CCM;s have indicators to show the link is made.



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