What are the different SkyPort permission user levels
Different user levels within SkyPort for partners and end users
Description/Additional Context
There are different levels of users within SkyPort, starting with Account owners ( Clearcom Partner) to workspace owners (customer) to virtual client users (Agent-IC user). This solution explains the different levels.
This solution does not include apply to Gen-IC Trial
https://clearcom.com/Portals/0/Media Gallery/Resources/Infographics/SkyPort_Admin_Infographic.pdf
As it can be seen there are a couple of SkyPort permission user levels as follows:
Account Owner
This is the role for the main user of the account. For technical reasons, a SkyPort account has a one-to-one link with the Clear-Com (ERP) accounting system. This means that only one account can be linked to the Customer/ Partner.
The account owner is responsible for most things on SkyPort and has all permissions, except permissions on Workspaces that they configured to have a new owner (Workspace owner, that is explained below). There can only be one Account owner.
Account Admin
The Account Admin are a way for an Account Owner to delegate their tasks. They have the same permissions as the Account Owner, except for a few exceptions like removing other admins and changing ownership of the account, for example. There can be as many account Admin as needed.
Important Note 1: They are acting as “Account Owner” when making purchases to respect the one-to-one relationship with AX. Meaning that, when making purchases as an account admin, it will be user the account owner’s configuration on Stripe to process the purchase.
Important Note 2: The Account Admin can’t make the first purchase on an account. The option to purchase will only be unlock once the Account Owner did a first purchase. That is related to the first note, as to where Account Admin are acting as the Owner for purchases, so we need a first purchase to create the Stripe customer and setup correctly.
Workspace Owner
Workspace owner is a role that has all of the permissions within a specific workspace (See workspace feature for in depth explanation on workspace). The Workspace Owner role is given by an Account Owner or Admin. It’s a role that gives access to a subset of subscription to someone. Once the Workspace Owner is invited, the Account Owner/Admin loses some of their rights on the Workspace, for security purposes. They (Account Owner/Admin) won’t be able to start, stop and change subscriptions’ name and deployment target and they won’t be able to see the configured users under the Workspace. The Workspace Owner will instead have all these rights. There could only be one Workspace Owner per workspace.
Important Note 1: When there is no Workspace Owner on a workspace, the Account Owner is by default Owner of it.
Important Note 2: At any time, an account Owner/Admin can revoke the Workspace Owner’s rights and take back the workspace. By doing so, all of the users configured will be deleted.
Important Note 3: A workspace Owner will not be able to make any new purchases. They will need the Account Owner/Admin to purchase new subscriptions and move those into the workspace.
Aug 7, 2024
Only a Workspace owner - can invite a Workspace admin
A Workspace admin cannot invite another workspace admin
An Account admin - cannot invite a workspace admin
An Account Owner - can invite a workspace admin - if there is no other workspace owner
Workspace Admin
Similar to Account Admin, workspace admin are users that a workspace owner invited to have the same permission as the owner. Just as the Account Admin, there can be as many Workspaces Admin as needed.
Gen-IC Admin (VIC Admin)
Gen-IC Admin is a role that allows a user to connect seamlessly to a Gen-IC via the SkyPort interface.
Virtual Client Users
These users do not give any access to SkyPort. They are users that will be able to connect to a virtual client (Agent-IC/Station-IC) user, utilizing their email registered within SkyPort on their role. Eventually, they will be presented with the capability to view and seamlessly connect to all the Gen-IC instances they are authorized to access, directly corresponding to their designated role. They are the end users that are using our products.
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