FSII-BP19-X4-O2 showing "CHARGE ERROR"


FSII BP - O2 version is showing charge error on the screen when a USB cable is plugged into it

This error shows up when AA Batteries are used on the FSII BP and power is detected on USB and turns the beltpack on but no “Clear-Com” data connection is detected, i.e. BP does not see a FSII-BASE-II or an Arcadia at the other end.

If you connect USB to a computer or any other powered USB port while the BP is turned off,  the BP will turn on and show this error.

This is the normal behaviour of our O2 versions when connected to a base in the off position, and we can advise our customers to turn ON the FSII BP packs before connecting to a base or computer USB port for registration to avoid triggering the alert.



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