HelixNet: How do I change user roles on the HMS-4X base and HBP-2X beltpacks in the CCM browser?
Question: Is there a way to change user defined roles for the HMS-4X main station and HBP-2X beltpacks on the
power line via the CCM browser?
Answer: For the HMS-4X base station the user can quickly change user defined roles by accessing the overview
page and clicking on the icon for the main station. This will take you to the Home page, look under the General
tab for "selected role", click on the blue text and a new dialog screen called change roles will open showing the
available user and local config roles for the HMS-4X main station. Select a role and it is applied to the main station.
For the HBP-2X beltpack go to the Overview tab page, scroll to the end points (beltpacks, remote stations or speaker stations)
and click on a HBP-2X beltpack. This will open a new dialog screen for the selected beltpack, look for selected role in
blue text, click on the blue text and the Change Role screen will appear, select a specific role and it is applied to the
selected beltpack.
power line via the CCM browser?
Answer: For the HMS-4X base station the user can quickly change user defined roles by accessing the overview
page and clicking on the icon for the main station. This will take you to the Home page, look under the General
tab for "selected role", click on the blue text and a new dialog screen called change roles will open showing the
available user and local config roles for the HMS-4X main station. Select a role and it is applied to the main station.
For the HBP-2X beltpack go to the Overview tab page, scroll to the end points (beltpacks, remote stations or speaker stations)
and click on a HBP-2X beltpack. This will open a new dialog screen for the selected beltpack, look for selected role in
blue text, click on the blue text and the Change Role screen will appear, select a specific role and it is applied to the
selected beltpack.
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