Matrix: Can I use a 3rd party automation system like VSM to control crosspoints in the Eclipse Matrix

The HCI (Host Computer Interface) protocol allows 3rd party automation systems to make and break crosspionts within the Eclipse matrix by sending it the relevant commands Not only can crosspionts be made but you can also send messages to - change Conference members, add labels to panel keys , change port names, change I/O levels and more.. 
We have successfully used HCI with the following systems 
  • VSM 
  • Tallyman
  • AMX controller

Here is one example where crosspoints made in the Eclipse matrix are recognized by the 3rd party automation system in order to switch a video feed in the edit room 
The HCI system reads xpts info .. and use this info to make VIDEO route ..
In fact the Clearcom triggers the video system . (in most cases its audio follows video)
There are several (5) panels used in 5 different commentary booths.
Each panel is able to use one off x 6 audio feeds, coming from differentstudios. (the keys on the panel are programmed in interlock mode .. one audio only)
When route from the panel is made a message is sent to the HCI system . The automation looks for this specific crosspoint message and sends a corresponding message to the video router in order for it to route the correct VIDEO for thecommentary screen.
Example : Following panel (TRAD1)is listening :
 1TRA1 or 2TRA1 or 3TRA1 or 4TRA1 or 5TRA1 or EXT NOD1 (interlock mode)
When one listen key is activated, video is switched by automation system .


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