Wireless: What happens if I link the audio on two DX210 base stations together?

If I interconnect (XLR cables i/o) two DX210 base stations together, I can have four people on each base station (or more – if they use PTT)? If one user on base station # 1 selects their ISO button will their audio be heard on the other base station?

Answer: (1): if they link the PL XLR cables between the bases then someone talking on PL-1 on base #1 will be heard on PL-1 of base #2

If they ISO on base #1 then it does not go to the base #2 users 

Answer (2): if they link the PL XLR cables between the bases AND link the Aux I/O then someone talking on PL-1 of base #1 will be heard on PL-1 of base #2

If they ISO on base #1 then it WILL go to out via base #1 Aux Output  and into the base #2 users via the AUX Input on base #2  

When linking two base stations together via Party-line we recommend to put a party-line PSU in the middle between the two units so that it can drive the PL circuit properly and provide termination.



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