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Wireless: ANT20-6 and ANT20-30 - can't find them in the pricing literature
Wireless: Antenna passive gain reference spec (dBi)
Wireless: Antenna positioning tips for multiple remote transceivers / antennas
Wireless: Antenna tips for Tempest 900 and 2400 base stations
Wireless: Are both channels of the DX210 available on it's 2-wire connections to connect to an RTS, or do you have to make a Y cable to get both channels on one XLR?
Wireless: Are Drake PD2202 beltpacks are compatible with latest version of FreeSpeak-20 base stations?
Wireless: Are Freespeak II / Cellcom frequencies affected by the FCC AWS-3 auction 97?
Wireless: Are multiple instances of TDesk software supported on single network?
Wireless: Are Tempest Beltpacks and Remote Transceivers considered waterproof?
Wireless: Are the BP410 / WH410 compatible with DX200 / DX300 series products?
Wireless: Are the DX410 base station 2W ports terminated / unterminated?
Wireless: Are the transmit power settings on the HME850 wireless system adjustable?
Wireless: Are the Vega PL-2 and Clear-Com RCV-2 VHF wireless IFB receivers the same thing?
Wireless: Are there any functional limitations on Tempest Beltpacks in Shared mode?
Wireless: Aux IN/Program Volume Setting on Tempest 3.00
Wireless: Battery contacts for WTR-670 and 680 Beltpacks
Wireless: Beeping is heard in base station headset and SELECT lights are blinking.
Wireless: Beltstation Menu Lock Feature Tempest ver2.10
Wireless: Beyer DT-280 headsets with condenser mics and Tempest
Wireless: Beyer DT-280 MkII headset with incorrect accessory cable won't work with Tempest beltpack
Wireless: BP210 with HS4-3 or CC-95 connecting to MD-XLR
Wireless: BP300/WH300 power lights do not turn green and I heard “out of range” from ear piece.
Wireless: Broken Antennas on HM Electronics BP850 beltpacs
Wireless: Can a Freespeak II Beltpack activate a page override function to an Eclipse V-Series panel?
Wireless: Can a PRC-2 replace a Clear-Com/Vega RCV-2 IFB receiver?
Wireless: Can a pre 2.0 Tempest system be upgraded to 2.0 functionality?
Wireless: Can a Tempest Base (900 or 2400) support more than one remote transceiver?
Wireless: Can a Tempest Beltpack supply phantom power to a wired electrec microphone?
Wireless: Can a Tempest CP-242 beltpack with v2.10 firmware operate on a base with v3.0 or higher firmware?
Wireless: Can a Vega U2020 wireless mic be rebanded to operate below 700Mhz?
Wireless: Can I activate OTA registration mode from a Freespeak II beltpack?
Wireless: Can I adjust the headset mic sensitivity on the WBS-670/680 beltpack?
Wireless: Can I adjust the sidetone level on the WBS-670 / 680 system?
Wireless: Can I assign default audio settings on CellCom beltpacks to individual users?
Wireless: Can I change the Tempest base station operating mode via the front panel Menu / Enter buttons?
Wireless: Can I change the UPX-10 IFB Tx to connect to RTS or Balanced Inputs?
Wireless: Can I combine FSII 1.9 and 2.4GHz transceiver on the same base station?
Wireless: Can I combine Normal, Shared and Split modes in a Tempest 3.0 roaming group?
Wireless: Can I configure a FS II Beltpack to be an IFB talent receiver?
Wireless: Can I connect 2-wire or 4-wire intercom systems to a DX100 base station?
Wireless: Can I connect a CellCom base station directly to an Eclipse Matrix?
Wireless: Can I connect a DX200 or DX210 base station to a Telex AudioCom power supply or main station?
Wireless: Can I connect a DX-300 system directly to a MS-702 Partyline main station?
Wireless: Can I connect a PTX-3 IFB Transmitter directly to a Matrix +3 or Eclipse port output?
Wireless: Can I connect a TW-47 directly to a Tempest Base Station in Master Mode?
Wireless: Can I connect an Clear-com / HME DX-121 system to a computer sound card?
Wireless: Can I connect more than two channels of 2-wire IC to a CellCom basestation?
Wireless: Can I create multiple remote antenna zones with the WBS-670/680?
Wireless: Can I directly power an RS-601 BP from a DX200 base station 2-wire interface?
Wireless: Can I disable / password protect the Tempest Beltpack Menus?
Wireless: Can I disable either Channel A or B on a WTR-680 beltpack?
Wireless: Can I disable the "Out of Range" alarm on a Tempest beltpack?
Wireless: Can I disable the ISO function on an individual PRO850 beltpack?
Wireless: Can I Enable/Disable SA, WTA and Ch. A or B on the WTR-680 BP?
Wireless: Can I extend the antennas from my WBS-670 / 680 base station?
Wireless: Can I get a replacement battery sled hook for my WTR-670 beltpack?
Wireless: Can I hot swap FS II transceiver antennas on a PD2203 antenna splitter?
Wireless: Can I import old CellCom map configurations into Freespeak II Config Editor?
Wireless: Can I initiate a "Call on Talk" function on Tempest beltpacks?
Wireless: Can I interface a DX 300ES to a CS-222 party-line base station 2-wire channel?
Wireless: Can I interface a DX-121 system directly to an Eclipse Matrix frame port?
Wireless: Can I interface the DX-121 directly to an Encore PL system?
Wireless: Can I legally use the WBS-670 G9 band on a Cruise ship at sea?
Wireless: Can I link a WBS-670 wireless intercom to a Production Intercom MS200 base station?
Wireless: Can I link a WBS-680 base station with a Tempest 2400 2 channel base station?
Wireless: Can I lock out accidental page changes on the CellCom Beltpack?
Wireless: Can I lock the CellCom base station front panel CH A / CH B / Program functions?
Wireless: Can I mix CellCom and Freespeak transceivers with Freespeak II transceivers on a Freespeak II system?
Wireless: Can I modify the WBS-680 auxiliary input so that it remains internally in the base station?
Wireless: Can I operate a CellCom/Freespeak base station on a different subnet from the host PC?
Wireless: Can I pair a Tempest 4 channel beltpack with a 2 channel base station?
Wireless: Can I perform a CellCom/Freespeak site survey with just a CEL-TA transceiver and CEL-BP?
Wireless: Can I power one or two RS-601 beltpacks directly from a Tempest 2400 base station?
Wireless: Can I power the Tempest Base Station via an external DC input?
Wireless: Can I program any talk key functionality with FSII beltpacks when connecting to a single antenna in Site Survey Mode?
Wireless: Can I program configurations offline with Tempest / TDesk software?
Wireless: Can I program Tempest beltpacks settings from the base station?
Wireless: Can I register a CEL-BP to a CellCom base station via the front panel menus?
Wireless: Can I register more than 4 BPs to a DX300 base
Wireless: Can I regress the app firmware on a CellCom Mark II beltpack?