Which dealers and distributors rent Clear-Com products to the public?
Please see our website for more details:http://www.clearcom.com/rental-support/rental-partner-directory Here is an outdated – 2008 – partial listing of Clear-Com Rental Houses around the Globe:1) Bexel in Burbank, Seattle, Las Vegas, Dallas, Chicago, Orlando, Miami, Atlanta, Washington DC, New York 800) 225-6185 rentals@Bexel.com2) CP Communications in New York, Orlando and Burbank. 800-762-4254 (Toll Free) info@cpcomms.com3) Autograph London ++44 (0)20 7281 7574 www.autograph.co.uk4) RC Communications Chicago (847) 678-7000 rccsales@rentcom.com5) Talamas of New England 800-941-2446 jbilbro@talamas.com6) Location Sound Los Angeles (800) 228-4429 rentaldept@locationsound.com7) Gearhouse Broadcast in London, Sydney, Dubai, Qatar 44 (0) 845 820 0000 webenqs@gearhousebroadcast.com8) McCune Sound San Francisco, Anaheim 800.899.7686 www.mccune.com9) MTC Japan +813 5413 4611 info@mtc-japan.com (MTC does not rent but they have dealers in Japan that do)10) Savana Brazil +5521-2512-9888 savana@iis.com.br11) Swank Audio Visual Fenton, Mo. 877-792-6528 WWW.SWANKAV.COM (Swank has offices in 31 states and Toronto – call for the city/state you need))
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