What is the network bandwidth utilization for connecting Agent-IC clients to an LQ host?
The network bandwidth utilization for connecting Agent-IC clients to an LQ host is as follows:
HighNetwork Quality setting: UP:120-480 kb/s (to client)DOWN:120 kb/s (from client)
Low NetworkQuality setting: UP:~50-200 kb/s (to client)DOWN:~50 kb/s (from client)
HelixNetlinked (Wavpack): UP: 300 kb/s - 1.2 Mb/s (to client) DOWN: 300 kb/s (from client)
These are worst case numbers and depend on the number of sources which the client is LISTENING to as well as the amount of time which audio is being transmitted (not silence). Consideration for Martin L. who thankfully provided this information.
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