Optocore: How do I connect to Optocore interfaces?
Optocore: How do I connect to Optocore interfaces?
Question: I'm a new user to Optocore, how do I connect to the V3R-FX interface unit? I see RS-232 connections, USB, and Ethernet connections. Which one is the preferred connection mode? Which PC platforms are supported by Optocore software?
Answer: The simple answer is to use the USB connector on the front of the Optocore unit for the initial setup of the unit and setting the units node-numberonce all units are setup , you can access all the units on the Optocore fibre ring either by connecting to one unit via the USB connector or by attaching your PC to the one of the LAN ports of a Optocore unit
To install OPTOCORE CONTROL you will need a standard PC computer running Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 operating system. The computer should be equipped with a USB interface for configuration and remote control of the Optocore network plus a Serial Po
Answer: The simple answer is to use the USB connector on the front of the Optocore unit for the initial setup of the unit and setting the units node-numberonce all units are setup , you can access all the units on the Optocore fibre ring either by connecting to one unit via the USB connector or by attaching your PC to the one of the LAN ports of a Optocore unit
To install OPTOCORE CONTROL you will need a standard PC computer running Microsoft Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 operating system. The computer should be equipped with a USB interface for configuration and remote control of the Optocore network plus a Serial Po