Wireless: Can I use RTS BP325 with FSII BASE II?
Question: If I connect a two channel RTS belt pack (e.g. BP325) to a 2-wire (2W) port on the FSII-BASE-II, am I restricted to one channel of the RTS? How do I get both channels to work?
Answer: You can configure both RTS 2W channels using one XLR connection.
The FSII-BASE-II 2W ports are paired (A/B and C/D).
You can connect the (one) XLR from the BP325 to port A, configure port A and B in RTS mode and then assign port A and B to channels, groups etc. in the web interface (CCM) or the front panel of the base station.
Port A will then take RTS channel A and port B will take RTS channel B. Ensure "Rx Call Signal" is enabled to provide call signal between the FSII system and the RTS system. Call signal is sent to the corresponding RTS channel depending on FSII channel-assignment.
See attached CCM screenshots for example.
In the CCM set the partyline mode to RTS - In RTS mode, XLRA and XLRB are commoned together on all pins internally.
Set 2wire A/B to RTS mode in the CCM
use a standard 1:1 XLR cable
Connect your XLR cable from FSII Base II 2wire (A) to the BP325 , do not connect anything to the FSII Base II 2wire (B)
Can I use RS-703 with FSII BASE II?
Yes. You can also connect FSII Base II to RS-703 beltpacks (RTS mode) to in the same way
Set 2wire A/B to RTS mode in the CCM
use a standard 1:1 XLR cable
Connect your XLR cable from FSII Base II 2wire (A) to the BP325 , do not connect anything to the FSII Base II 2wire (B)
RTS, Telex, partyline, party, line, 2, W, 2W, 2-W, 2-wire, Two-wire, TW, BP 325, PS15, PS20, PS31, FreeSpeak II, FSII, Free, Speak, II,
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