With newer versions of Windows, you may find that Xilinx ISE / iMPACT programming software will fail installation or be unstable once installed (program may crash when attemping to access Windows dialogs).

There are two possible solutions to this - one involves editing file names, the other requires sixteen gigabytes of download.

First method:

Install Xilinx iMPACT 14.7 lab tools (not marked as Windows 10):

  1. After install, navigate to C:\Xilinx\14.7\LabTools\LabTools\lib\nt64
    Search this folder for 'libPortability'.

  2. There should be two results: libPortability.dll & libPortabilityNOSH.dll
    Rename libPortability.dll to libPortability.dll.orig - This is just to keep the original file in case it is needed in the future.

  3. Make a copy of libPortabilityNOSH.dll and paste it into the same folder and rename the copy .NOSH.dll to  libPortability.dll

Second method

Another solution to this would be to install Xilinx ISE Desgin Suite VM image to VirtualBox.

You will need to install the latest version of VirtualBox for Windows hosts:

Then download and install the Xilinx ISE 14.7 Design Suite VM image. This will automatically set up the VM in VirtualBox.

You will need to register and login to gain access to this VM image (15.52GB). Alternatively, it can be downloaded here (Feb 2020):

https://hmelectronics-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/jfernandes_hme_com/EfNed9djHoBCvVoxSiU58E0BVM9GYSfABD0IgDGA8Adc8w?e=fplLm5 Part1.

https://hmelectronics-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/jfernandes_hme_com/EUPXTwZ06QBBuqyqh9n5mxgBdneaU7iP3KdVJZ8V9mbIJg?e=PncUQU Part2.

Once installed, Xilinx iMPACT can be started from ‘Start Menu → Xilinx Design Tools → iMPACT’

Starting iMPACT from here will load the VM image in VirtualBox and will automatically start iMPACT when the VM is running. You should now see a familiar interface and can continue using iMPACT as usual.

Depending on your screen resolution, you may need to adjust the display settings for the VM.
Navigate to ‘System → Preferences → Display’ to change to the appropriate screen resolution.


Links to the Xlinix programmer

US link : Xilinx HW-USB-II-G

UK link : Xilinx HW-USB-II-G

Links to the Xlinix programmer

US link : Xilinx HW-USB-II-G

UK link : Xilinx HW-USB-II-G