Confirm LAN 1 on the LQ is properly connected to your network
Locate a raw piece of CAT-6 cable or prepare to cut one.
We will need to have a special pinout to properly connect the systems together
Build one end of the cable with the T-568B standard as shown below for the Clear-Com LQ
For the Riedel side we will need a special order, the pin assignments are as follows.
Pin 1 - N/A
Pin 2 - N/A
Pin 3 - N/A
Pin 4 - blue
Pin 5 - white/blue/white
Pin 6 - N/A
Pin 7 - white/brown/white
Pin 8 - brown
Connect standard T-568B end to the Clear-Com LQ
Connect the custom end made in step 5 to the Riedel Frame